Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to buy a cheaper ticket tennis PTT thailand open 2010

Actually,I think this way is not correct ,however just don't too much thinking .it only a way of a tennis fan who want a cheaper ticket for view PTT thailand open 2010 which is held at IMPACT ARENA MUANGTHONG TANEE THAILAND and have a big name of player like Rafael Nadal,Glubis and etc. rank 100 WTA.
as we already know to buy an official ticket from website thai ticket master or buy at the ticket boot in the front of the stadium on the compute day normally will cost you a thousand bath in Thai currency,so if you don't have much money and want to buy a cheaper ticket then ,just catch the cab and go directly in the front of the main gate to the stadium and then notice for the groups of the guy 3-5 persons ,normally they would come and offer for the cheaper ticket price for you about 50% off
How do they get the ticket ,I don't know in different country have or not?,but in Thailand we callee "Ghost Ticket " mean that the source of the ticket is a bit gray hat or black hat ,say will be some people get a ticket voucher and change to the tickets ,but then don't have time to see or don't want to see so they will be asked to sell the ticket to the groups of the people or person who work for the "Ghost Ticket "
Be positive : 50 /50 for the chance of you to get the "Ghost Ticket " have a good day and enjoy the game

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